66k for what?
Xanthos, Jan 07 2011
Assuming you did not have poker
what kind of job would you take on for 66k/year. (Before tax!)
A) 9-5 regular office cube job, thats somewhat interesting to you but very similar everyday
B) Retail big shot
C) Scientist in a stuck lab loving research
D) Field Demanding job away in bush hiking 5 months, in office 5 months working with computers an off 2 months of the year
E) Your option (realistic)
F) Suicide
Fuck Rush Poker!
Xanthos, Jan 21 2010
Why does this shit happen to me while everybody profitsÉ!!É

Xanthos, Dec 15 2009
Is heavily +EV. I feel so high right now,
And I think its going to be a long long time...
Poker is alright too. I am started to get more motivated to play as my death run is coming to just a shitty run but still not running good. Very close to 200k vpp bonus though so after that I take a week break, and starting from 2010 I will play around 150k hands/month if I run good.
Updated graph, since November 1st:

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